Friday, October 31, 2008

Dr. Appointment and Life

Dr Appointments Gotta Love them huh NOT
Well yesterday was my check up with my oncologist and life is good. Lungs look good. Exam went great. Lungs sound good. Everything looks sounds and feels great as Dr Capen said :)
So Very happy about that... OH YES :)
My xray that I had done about two weeks ago says "cardiac silhouette is prominent. Ct ratio is 19/34 Lung fields are clear. the pleural sufaces are smooth. There is begining kyphoscolosis of the thoracic spine. Not other findings.
The kyphoscolosis is not good but Dr Capen thinks if I lost some weight and had a breast reduction surgery it may help it out ALOT...... I go back to him in April (6 months can you believe that YEAHHH) at that time as long as everything still looks sounds and feels good then he will release me to my GYN the doctor that did the surgery and he will watch me from there on out as long as nothing else arises :) So that was all good news to me :)
I have had the upset tummy and bathroom trots since yesterday after noon (not sure if it is from having the flu shot on wednesday or not) but will be happy when it is over :)
So I missed school last night and this morning.......... now I need to make up my lab test next friday but that is ok :)
Ok ok enough of me LOL have a great day and ROCK ON :)
Thank you for all the prayers while I paid my visit to the oncologist.... Thank you God for walking me through my appointment

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Movin Tuesday

Hey there Blog World....
Today has been a bit busy... had school this morning
working on a costume for Liam (daddy and he carved the pumpkin tonight)
I got in 20 minutes of exercise bike riding while my guys dinner was cooking on the stove......
Tomorrow I have no school so I am gonna get on the tread and turn on some WhiteSnake and just jam for a bit I do believe
Work was BUSY BUSY BUSY tonight...... lets hope tomorrow is a bit slower that would be great....
Then on thursday I will have to hit the ground running.... I have class in the morning ...oncologist appointment at 1pm and class at 6pm to 9 pm then on friday morning I am back at school for lab from 8 to noon then work at 1:30 ..... so it will be a busy few days coming up
The oncologist appointment is not bothering me so much this time not sure if that is good or not :)

I think I am just a bit ok with it ..... seeing it as something I have to do for precautions but I know God has taken the cancer from me and left me to strive and grow and share my life :)
Here is to having a great day and ROCK ON :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

checkin in

Movin, tryin to eat better, just livin life with a smile :)
Today I am starting a new challenge for myself and am hoping some of my email bubbies take hold and do it with me.
I did 25 minutes on the exercise bike today before work.... yeah for me :)
eating is still going good But I do need to start journaling ........
hope this finds the blog world doing great......
Keep on keepin on :) ROCK IT

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reporting In

Hey there world :)
Dawn is here and ROCKIN it :)

God is good and God is love.... I truly believe one dont know "real love" without having known God... He has helped me so much through my life. Even in times when I did not admit he was there holding me up..... God blessed me with a beautiful son.... my baby or as he says mommys big boy :) Why oh why do they have to grow so fast??? Then he carried me through the loss of our precious (spelling) baby Nov 17th 2006 and he carried me through cancer on August 3rd 2007....... He has opened doors and made ways for me to continue with my education and still work fulltime (for insurance reasons) I love God but he Loved me first :)

Today we walked down to the gas station (1 mile round trip) to get the sunday paper ......Not sure if any of you read the sunday papers in your area but ours went up in price from 1.50 to 1.60 I was like what...... LOL but our gas prices have dropped greatly in the past month..... exactly 4 sundays ago today gas was 3.44 a gallon today it is 2.09 a gallon so that is rockin :)
any ways we did a mile walk this morning then headed off to the 49ers are on and mmmmmmm getting their bums kicked a bit once again (sorry hubby)
Tomorrow I have a challenge with hubby to do 15 minutes of the tread in the morning..... so far he is game for it :)
Have a great day and ROCK ON

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturdays, Birthdays & Best Friends

Hey there world !!
Hope all is well !!
Today is Saturday and I love it for it is my weekend off WOOOHOO
We are going to the movies a bit later not sure what we will see (but it will be child friendly)
then we are all three going to dinner together (mamma dont have to cook woohoo)
Tomorrow will be filled with church then studying while we watch the 49ers game (hubby LOVES the 49ers BIG TIME) and Liam and I will be making hollween cupcakes tomorrow also. Today we let Liam pick out two big bags of candy for the churches Hollween Bash on the 29th He thought that was great :)
Today is also my best girl friends 42 birthday ...... I met Connie when we moved to Michigan from California in the end of my Junior year of High School..... I was almost 17 and hated movin all the way to cold Michigan leaving everyone I had grown up with for the past ten years.... When I first met Connie she thought I was a stuck up snob and we did not hit it off to well. But about 1/4 the way through our senior year (class of 86) LOL I am OLD ..... we became good friends and it has just gotten better since then...... We have seen each other through alot of good and some rough times together...... She has seen me through a divorce and a BAD relastionship and one child...... and a good man now ...... and I have seen all 3 of her kids grow (well the first two mainly but Joey who is 10 now I seen his first 3 years...) her other two are 21 and 19.... and she has NO grandkids as of yet ....... But Connie is just awesome...... she really gets me.......LOL have you ever thought about your girlfriends and true girlfriends in life..... the true ones REALLY GET YOU......if you know what I mean :))
Raisin my water bottle to girlfriends out there everywhere....... where would we be without girlfriends.......
Ang, Maria thanks girls....... I do consider you both true girlfriends..... and WE ROCK....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another Test Done !!!!!

Hey there world!!
Tonight I had my 2nd test in Avanced Cardio-Pulmonary A and P..... I got a 91 so not to bad I think...... next week we will be going over the heart and finishing our work study guide then the 1st thursday of November we will have our test over the Heart. One thing I find so interesting about studying respiratory is learning how and why parts of my body work like they do.
Did you know that at day 26 after conception(pregnant LOL sorry about spelling) the five lobes of your lung are in started already. You are ONLY a spot, a very small dot but already you have the starting of all five lobes of your lungs :) That rocks......

I did get 15 minutes in on the exercise bike today woooooohooooooo and I feel great because of it to be honest....
Tomorrow I will not get any exercise in .... I will be in lab class from 8 to noon then working from 1:30 to 9:30 tomorrow night... and in between them times I will run home and cook my guys dinner and get my bod dressed in my scrubs for work :) This is my weekend off and let me tell you I LOVE it :)
My boss (the director of the lab) is awesome...... she is working with me next semester with my hours for work and school..... she knows I have to keep 36 hours a week in order to keep my insurance and not have to pay more then I can afford if that makes sense (insurance now is 147 a month for a family) if I go under 36 hours a week then it goes up to 734 a month well lets say I would be working just to pay for insurance NOT good....... so next semester I will be using all my vacation and holidays up to get through the spring semester of school and still be able to have every other weekend off ....... so she is truly working with me to keep me at my hours and to work around school. She can be a hard person to figure out sometimes but she is ok :)
Ok hope this finds the world going great in your life
Live Love and Laugh a million times more as each day goes by :)
Keep on keepin on :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Managing Life

Hey there Blog Land :)
It seems like managing life is taking up alot of my life. Do you ever feel like that??
School is going good. I am getting a B in one class and a C in the other class (need to study harder in that class I do believe)
Work is good. I can say I truly enjoy going phlebotomy work. I know that may sound crazy to some...... cause phleb work is drawing blood from people but it gives me a chance to help others medically and to peak into others lives if only for a moment.
Life at home is so so..... Liam is growin like a weed and very active running talking playing..... I love to watch and listen to him.... Billy and I are living and striving..... trying to make things work. Marriage I do believe is a hard relationship to make work at times.... especially when we work different shifts and I am in school. So we have like every other weekend that we can actually spend time together when one of us is not off to work or school. So we are struggling with contection issues and just striving to get through it and be happy :)

I go back to my oncologist next thursday (Oct. 30th) Did my blood work and my liver and kidneys look good via the blood work..... my glucose is a little high 121 and my iron is LOW LOW (I dont eat alot of iron rich foods) my iron is a 26 and should be atleast a 72 so I am now back on iron supplement (Fergon) it is something I may always have to take due to me not eating greens and red meats....... Also did my chest xray for the oncologist.(he is watch a 5mm spot on one of my lungs) chest xray looked ok to me but LOL who am I to say what it is..... But I do believe in my heart that God has healed me of cancer and that they will not find the spot to be growing..... when I had a ct scan of my lungs done in Feburary the spot looked the same so that is good :)
So now just to get through next thursdays doctors appointment and we will be flying high again.

I am starting over once again with the exercise. I went to a nutritionish last month and we discussed me being to busy to exercise .... she told me I HAVE to make time for exercise just like I make time to go to work and go to school... so today I made 15 minutes to do the exercise bike while the guys diner was bakin in the oven and microwave....... so 15 minutes of exercise done... I know that is not alot but I need to start and stay going so where so here it is......

Hope this finds everyone having a AWESOME day and ROCK on life is MANAGABLE LOL even for me :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Running in Circles

Good Morning World!!!!!!
What a Fabulous Morning this is starting out to be :)
Running in Circles !! Do you ever feel like your running in circles over and over again ??
Lately that is how it seems around here. Seems like I am in auto pilot and just moving through the actions LOL :) Have you ever had a day or days like that??
In my Thursday night class we took a test last thursday (Oct 2nd) and only 3 people in the class (about 20 people) passed and they passed with LOW LOW C's ..... So we are redoing the chapter and retested in two small test (the 1st test was 96 questions) This instructor is a new book teaching instructor and the director told her that the test was to big and she went into way to deep info to teach us ..... LOL so we are learning as the teacher is learning how to teach what joy huh :) NOT
I have this weekend off from work and will spend it studying and hubby and I are going to a fair concert thingy (LOL did that make any sense)
I went to a nutrition/dietian yesterday LOL she said I need to eat more veggies and fruit (could have told her that myself) and I NEED to get movin (exercise) mmmmmm so I tried to make excuses and tell her I was TOO BUSY with work and school studying and cooking and cleaning and trying to spend a bit of time with the men in my life ..... well she said exercise is something you HAVE to make part of your life and stick with it .... oh and I need to start journaling my food in take and exercise ....... so I am starting this on Sunday .....
GRRRRR LOL just when I thought I was running in enough circles here I go adding some more :) But the nutrition lady was right I have to make time for me and I have to be accountable or just stay fat :( (I said the fat thing)
Well have a great day and I hope one day soon we can all stop running in so many circles :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October is already running along

Hello Blog world life in my world is awesome. Hope everyone elses world out there is great.
Between school, working fulltime and keeping up with the two men in my life (hubby and son) I cant seem to fit alot of me time in :(
School is going good. Learning to me is fun and exciting :)
Work is ok...... I came across this patient last night that I had a chance to speak about God and what he has done in my life (medically and otherwise). It is wonderful when God can use me to show someone what good God does in my life :) Hoping that it helps others also
Now food and exercise is mmmmmmmm ok a bit...... food and water are great :) Exercise I need to keep working on. I have thought about maybe throwing a exercise challenge out to a email group I am in ..... see how many I can get on board and see if that helps me get my bum moving.
It is still in the high 80s low 90s here in central Texas ......gotta love that heat dont ya NOT LOL
Have a great day and ROCK ON

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wild Wednesday

Well I have decided to make this a "wild wednesday"
Usually wednesday is hump day but not today not this week .
Life is what we do with it ......we only get one go around in this world...
one chance to make it good ...... So for today I am gonna show up in the here and now and live life in TODAY ..... wild wednesday...
I will smile more, say Hi more and just pass on the good feeling of being alive :)
What will you do today to make it a better day for yourself and for others ??

I have started my day with 1 cup applesauce and am on my 2nd bottle of water
I am cooking bbq ribs for the guys in my life for diner....... think they will have some brocolli and some mushroom noodles with it also.
I will take a turkey sandwich for diner with a small baggie of pretzels..... and a jar of Dole tropical fruit .......
Have a great day and just keep showing up in today and living Today....... leaving tomorrow for tommorow :)