Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ready Set Go

Hey there Blogland!!!
Hope this finds everyone doing great and chuggin along
I had a relazation this morning ....... Hubby bought me a wii fit for my bday. Welp got on it and tried to set it up for myself .....after a zillion times of telling me I was fidgiting and to start over well it "finally" weighed me :) YEAHHHH but when I got to the exercise part I tried to fix my weight (it weighed me as 303 I WISH...... but I am truly 334) so it does not go beyond 330 weight limit ..... So now I have to lose enough weight to exercise on the dang thing...... I thought I was doing so good with my weight these past few weeks ....
But last week was National Clinical Labortory Week (I work as a phlebotomist in a lab) so we (I) ate and ate and ate (we get free food all 5 days from different places for lab week) then Saturday a girl from work got married so she brought in part of her cake and guess what I ate ......Yep cake and not just the cake but the frosting lots of it ....... Why the Hello do I do this to myself......
I am done though ........ seeing that I cant even use my wii fit has totally blew my mind and I am NOT gaining another pound NOWAY
Breakfast :
I have had 1 1/2 cups multi cherrios with 1/2 cup 2% milk
Am on my 2nd 16.9oz bottle of water

I will be doing 30 minutes on the tread and STTO 1 this evening
I will blog here about my food water and exercise every day .....
I will keep taking back my life one step one meal one attitude at a time
Keep on keepin on :)

Ok lunch was 1 1/2 cup wheat/regular spaghetti with turkey hamburger and veggie ragu
dinner was 3 cups of salad (lettuce, radishes, onions, green peppers, mushrooms, carrotts)
4 servings mixed fruit in natural juice

have done 35 minutes on my wii fit...... I got it to work some how weighed me at 321 (LIE I am 344) but if I can play on the wii fit I will take the 321 LOL..... I did 30 minutes regular step aerobics and 5 minutes advanced step aerobics :)
On my 5th bottle of water

Friday, April 24, 2009

Oncologist Appointment

Good Morning Blogworld!!!!!
Yesterday was onco doc appointment WOOHOO LOL
August 2007 I had emergancy surgery (partial hysto) to fix a mmmm female problem I had. When the pathology report came back (4 days after surgery) I was diaganosed with "mixed mullerian sarcoma" uterine cancer. I went through 6 weeks of radiation ..... and visiting the onco doctor.... On May 3rd I will be 21 months out of cancer !!!!!! Onco Doc gave me a clean bill of health thus far yesterday. Three spots I have in different places in my torso are all still the same size as they were in August 2007 (had a ct scan 4/15/09) so there NOT cancer :)
He told me he will see me in a year and to have a good life Stop worrying and to LIVE life :)
So I will be going back to school to finish my degree in respiratory therapy. I will be savin to go on a cruise for my 5th wedding anniversary (next March 1st) and I will be makin plans to attend alot of my sons school activities next year. My son just turned 5 last saturday :) and he will be starting kindergarden this fall :) Boy where does time go so fast ....... I will continue to learn to love myself and strive for a healthier life :)

Life is good....... make plans....... livestrong

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back to Treadin

Hey there Blogland !! Hope life has been good to you, and you have been good to YOU!!!!
Today I FINALLY am back to treadmillin :) My treadmill and I have a special relationship, LOL. I look at it and HATE it when I think about havin to get on it and move. But once I get on it and put on my headphones..... turning up whatever music I put in (and I love just about all kinds of music) then the tread and I are as ONE we are walking and thinking and movin together just me and my tread...... Ang put a challenge out about doing cardio 30 minutes or 1 mile :) So my tread and I we became one again today for 30 minutes for a bit over a mile :) I was stoked and feeling good most of the day (even at work this evening) myself a natural high from exercising :)
I do believe this is something I will be back at once again :)
Have a great night and keep on keepin on :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

5k Walk

Welp I have done it !!!!!!!!!!
I have completed my first ever 5k walk this morning.
And it was drizzle misty outside :( But I got done in 57 minutes and am stoked.
Think I walked like a speed demon part of the way cause of the misty weather ..... so maybe that weather was a plus LOL
But this is something I will be doing again...... It was for a great cause and I feel energized from the cardio part of it :) As well as I finally got out and walked outside (usually I am a treadmill girl) So raising my water bottle cheering myself on for a great job done :)
Have a great day

Friday, April 17, 2009


Hello Blogworld
Have you ever woke up and actually felt "wonderful"?
Well today I did just that. Woke up in "wonderful land"
I have a new outlook on eating healthy and strivin for the best "I" can be.
Being healthy, Living healthy, Striving for health is a on going thing. It is not a number on the scale, or how the clothes fit. But more of a attitude, a life style change from the inside out.
Because we can lose the weight and get healthy physically. But more then that we need to emotionally, get "real" with why the weight went on and why it "Stayed" on. We need to deal with the reasons and work through the emotions. Then and only then can we be truly healthy. Healthy from the inside out. Work on the inside and it will show on the outside. That is what I have truly learnt these past three days. Ok Ok I have always known this but NOW I am finally there to deal with it, to work through it. To LOVE ME.
Life is Wonderful and God is good. I am Wonderful and Good
Keep striving for wonderful ....... we shall get there :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Good Afternoon World!!!!!!
I have just had a Revalation (or something like that )
This past week I have just said ok I did not feel good, I was fighting a head/chest cold for the whole stinking week (Hubby has it now LOL) and that was some of my problem.
But the real problem is last week when I bought groceries I left the fresh veggies at the store. I left the healthy food at the store. I bought easy pop in microwave stuff. I bought somethings I dont usually buy do to just wanting something easy to grab cause I did not feel good. Why on earth did I NOT buy veggies and fruit (they would have helped me feel alot better :)) And I buy the easy veggies and fruit (the ones that are already cut up for you LOL) So I took the easy way out and said ok since I dont feel good I can buy crap stuff. WRONG answer.
Tomorrow I am going shopping and I can honestly say I need VEGGIES.... I am Big time cravin a SALAD right now.......
Raising my water bottle to a better veggie week coming :)
Have a great day and keep eating your veggies and fruits

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hey there Blogland hope this finds everyone doing fabulous.
Welp some of you may know I am a cancer survior. I was diagnoised with "mixed mullerian sarcoma" uterine cancer in August 2007. The good thing is they accidently found it and I am cancer free :)
Today I went for my "last" ct scan. So I was at the hospital at 8 this morning to drink down contrast mixed with crystal lite. The first 16oz went down good. Then you drink 8 oz every half hour until finally they call you back for your scan (4 8oz servings later LOL) welp by the 2nd 8oz I was like ok this stuff is getting gross tasting but still chuggin away :) Finally at 10 I got called back and had the pleasure of getting a IV so they could give me dye (had a full torso scan)
I get all my work up stuff done at the hospital I work at so it is cool to have "friends" that are doing the procedures and you can gab with them a bit :) Welp my 10:10 I was out of there......
LOL so I got to sit and drink for 2 hours just to have a 10 minute procedure LOL
Now am waiting to go to my oncologist on the 23rd and hear that everything is good and I am still cancer free....... then he will release me to my GYN doctor to follow me from here on out.
Will be a bit sad in a way....... As I have gotten use to seeing onco doctor every 3 to 4 months for the past 20 months.... But on the other hand it will be a blessing cause that will mean I am cancer free :)
I will be walking in the Susan G Komen walk this Saturday here in Central Texas :)
I am really stoked about this........ as for one I am a survior (ok not breast cancer but of cancer) and because I can get some extra exercise in this way too :) As well as support a great cause

Have a great day and Just Keep On Keeping On

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Hello Blogworld
Have you ever been at a place of lacking?? Lacking motivation. Lacking want too. Lacking ambition. Lacking creativeness. Lacking umph. Just lacking.
Welp I am in that place. Last week was a yuk week. I lost 2lbs but I was sick all week. I am still a bit stuffy in my head. My sinuses were so messed up last week that on thursday I came home from work 3 hours early. I have felt gunky (is that a word LOL) in my throat and a bit in my chest. My head was like a time bomb ready to explode any minute (or so it felt like it) 1/2 the week my nose is drippin like crazy and the other 1/2 it is clogged up and I am honestly breathing through my mouth the majority of the time. FINALLY I am feeling better FINALLY :)
So last week there was a Major lack of not enough water (I am probably dehydrated at this moment) There was a Lack of good food choices ....not that I made bad ones .....most days I didnt eat much at all....and on two days I was to sick to my stomach to keep anything down. Exercise was to the bathroom to bed to the couch .... too work (but I worked in outpatient so there was not even that much walking there)

This week though I am ready to get back on track and leave the lacking behind :)
I am ready get back on the treadmill..... ready to start some of the exercise dvds that my friend Ang sent me..Thanks girl :)
I am ready to fill my body with good food and water to keep to hydrated.
I am ready to keep taking back my life :)
Hope everyone had a great day :)