Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Terrific Tuesday

What a terrific Tuesday this is turning out to be :)

Life is good :)
I had class this morning so this morning was a bit busy.
I had 1/2 a ham (97percent fat free) and mozeralla cheese sandwich for breakfast
I have drank 3 (16.9oz) bottles of water.......
Lunch has been 3 peorgies (potato thingys)
I am on my way to work will be eating whole grain brown rice with veggies and a jar of dole oranges (serving size 6) for diner.....
I know I am lacking so much in this and I need to get it figured out once again.... as to what and how much exactly I need to be eating....... HELP
I will do my 15 minutes on my exercise bike when I get home from work tonight...
I need my hubby to build me some kind of table that I can sit over me while on the exercise bike so I can read my studys .......this would help so so much :)
Well now I am off to work and finishing out my terrific Tuesday
I hope your tuesday finds you doing awesome :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Morning Sunshine!!!

Hello there Blog land...
Life is "truly" what I make it :)
We are all in control of our own destiny. Do we walk in faith and strive for a better tomorrow?
Or do we just sit back and worry about tomorrow, live in fear if there will be enough money left when we retire, worry over tomorrows when we have yet to LIVE today.
Well for me Today is today and I "need" to show up in Today and Live in today :)
I am on my 2nd (16.9oz) bottle of water. Fixing waffles (will eat 2) for breakfast/lunch ..... I am getting a late start today....... :) And for today I will ride on my exercise bike for 15 minutes ( I know I know 15 minutes is nothing but one needs to start somewhere right?) I am making beef and brocolli for diner..... I will take a turkey sandwich and pretzels with a light yogurt and some fruit for my diner at work :)) I will show up and live in today
Have a great Sunshiney Day

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Last Sunday of September

Here we are on the last Sunday of September 2008.
I got up and went to church this morning.... Dear Hubby stayed home and worked on our 85 pickup truck (I drive this truck to work and the ignation has been messing up lately) He also cleaned the kitchen squeaky clean YAHHHH :)
Church was excelent.... The more I strive to follow Christ the more it seems I get a personal message out of church services :) LOL God must know I need to hear these things huh ??
Today was over Luke 12: 22-32........ about having faith that God will take care of things for us if only we seek his kingdom and strive to live a christain life. I am a believer bapatized in 1981 but have turned down many a wrong road more then once... And I still turn down wrong roads.... I am new in getting back to Jesus but have learnt over this past year if we just turn to him (God) things will work out for the better. God has opened so many doors in my life and continues to open more doors for me to walk th takrough. I have put my marriage to prayer and asked for help. I cant change my hubby nor can let him run all over my life. So I take my marriage to God in prayer and ask for help on things I can do for myself and my marriage to make things better and continue to live my life in strive with walking with God...
I have wanted a bike since I moved to Texas (5 1/2years ago) but always always always come up with an excuse NOT to get one..... by the 3rd week of Oct I will have a bike.....nothing fancy just a walmart bike..... I need to start somewhere to just get out and get moving........ I have decided to stop eating my emotions and start going to God when I am worried, sad, afraid..... turn them into faith and work on me instead of eating..... I can control my eating and I am going to control it..... Lots of tears are sure to be shed but I will grow stronger and stronger in myself, in my walk with Christ and in my marriage :)
Have a great day and remember KNEE MAIL does work wonders ....... a little faith goes along way

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Making the Choices you Choose Work

Making the Choices you Choose Work!!!!!!!!

Have you ever really thought about that sentence?? Thought about what it means and what it means to make your choices really and truly work???
Well alot has been going on in my head these past few days.... am I focused..... I have said this over and over. But this time around I have been praying about it .... Asking God for guidance. I have a BIG problem in MY life...... that problem is I EAT my emoitions ........ja ja you read that right I did not get to be 350lbs or close to it again (have not been on a scale to verify it) my doing healthy things ......... I am eating a healthy breakfast and getting my water in and also have begun to be alot more attentive to my eating after work (late at night)......... But I eat when I am upset, fustrated, having problems in my personal life....... Eating is one thing I can control... I can eat when I get them feelings and no one at all can stop me........ I tell myself they dont care they dont understand what I am going through.... they dont love me...... I tell myself I am NOT worth anything better then to be belittled by them...... to take there attitude.... to let them get in my face cause their life is not right...... to let them cut me down any chance they get and I say to myself ok whatever you cant stop me from eating this ice cream or cookies so I eat the whole thing (1/2 galloon of ice cream or whole bag of cookies) and I cry inside while I eat cause eating is the one thing that always LOVES me no matter what ...... the one thing that is always there to make me feel good always...... food never cuts me down never tells me I am a piece of crude.... So I eat and eat and eat and emotionally feel better for the moment but the problems are still there the next time we (me and the person in my personal life) have words or problems again the same problems come back up and more problems on them and I eat and eat and say to myself who cares just eat and then why exercise it aint gonna help I wont stick with it..........
But last night Sept. 26th was a waking night for me........... I was looking back on my life and looking where I am in life now....... Last night was 8 years ago I divorced my first husband ..... it was the day I discovered that I was worth more then a child molesting husband... that I was worth more then wondereding if or when he was gonna molest again.... and I have never looked back to that life again..... I got with a guy that was NO good for me..... but finally 2 years after that I got away from him and seen that I was ok alone.... that I could live and LOVE myself ..... then I met a great guy (in alot of ways) and we have a little guy that is awesome.... my world he is...... but me and my dear hubby have trouble as I am sure almost every couple have...... I am in college part time (have to take classes at the school cant be done online) I work 2nd shift he works dayshift .... we have little "family" time together..... we are both unhealthy over weight....and we come from two different moral valves ways of being raised..... but we honestly love each other deep inside..... but I let things be said and let my feelings get hurt and then I eat and eat.... and I let him make me feel like I am no one..... but last night as I was thinking back on life....... I asked God to show me what I need to do at this point in my life........ in my heart I feel he is showing me to get real with my emotions that he will be there to help me through this.... that he gave me another chance at life.... afer guided the doctors to do emergancy surgery and get the cancer out of my body (even though ever test we did in the months prior to emergancy surgery came back NO cancer at all) He has given me a new lease on life and is showing me that I am worth more then to be cut down and made to feel back and like I am no good (he doesnt do this all the time but it is atleast one remark a week) ..... so......
It's time (thanks Ang for your blog and letting me see them words) to take FULL charge of MY life and to live it the way God has ment for me too live...... Not being someones verbal punching bag not to let someone make me feel so bad that I turn to food to escape..... I need food to LIVE not to HIDE behind.....
So this is a new life and a new me..... I am NOT looking back any more........ Sept.26th 2008 is my day to a new life inside and out........ digging through emotions ......dealing with emotions between hubby and I as they happen...... this is it ........ thank you God for never givin up on me and for being the ONE sted fast thing in my life...... I have a long life to live and am Going to LIVE STRONG..... with Courage, Belief, Faith and LOVE

Thank you for another awesome day

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Middle of September Already

Have you ever wondered why time seems to fly by soooo fast the older we get? LOL

I woke up this morning and realized it is already the middle of September. Just over about a month or so and the holiday season will be upon us.......Halloween is my sisters oldest daughters bday. She will be 15 this year.... I can remember the day she was born so well and not because it was halloween but because she was coming to us 12 weeks earlier then expected...... she was suppose to be here the end of Janurary but insisted on making her apperance on Halloween instead. My sister named her Jacqulyn (what a name to give one born on Halloween huh :)) But to look at my PeeWee (Jaki) today you would not even know how small she was at birth (a BIG 2lbs 4oz when she hit this world) She is amazing though......she is in the 10th grade this year and takin advanced courses for college.... she loves music groups like misfit and slipnot ...... she dont understand why her 11 year old sister (my baby girl :)) likes Hannah Montana cause ths at is just to kiddish for her almost 15 years of life LOL.......... I love you PeeWee and you are growing into such a beautiful young woman.....enjoy life and obey your mum and dad LOL....... but how time flies ...... so fast and these kids are grown before you know it

Life is good here on the home front........ School is getting a bit less confusing LOL I am starting to learn a bit more....... I have taken Liam out of preschool/daycare... and now keep him with me until time for me to go to work then my sister in law watches him until my hubby is off work.... Liam thinks it is cool as he gets to go to class with me on Tuesday and Thursday and I have to say he does really good and sits and colors and draws and only whispers once or twice during my class... I am glad this is working out..... as I was not havin enough time with him and it was showing he was saying he missed me and wants me to stay home with him and do things with him. So this is a good answer for us I do believe....

Work is going great.......I am getting in 6 to 7 bottles (16.9oz) bottles of water a day and doing Ok on my breakfast....... Need to step up a bit more ........... have added trying not to eat after work next week am thinking about adding a bit of exercise .......

Welp off to go and study.......... dont let life fly by you without stopping to smell a few roses or cuddle time with your children or just take a break and enjoy life a bit :))

Friday, September 12, 2008

Livin life or something like it :)

Have you ever felt like you were just "livin life" or that what you were doing was "something Like It"??
Well that is where I have been this past week and a half. I have been in the "something Like It" category... School is going FAST .....lots of reading and trying to retain information and studying. It is crazy. And it dont help matters that my instructor is new at book teachin... she is an adjunct from one of the hospitals around here......and has helped teach at the hospital (hands on) and in the lab class at the college but never a book teachin...... So she dont have her power points up until mmmmmmmm ten minutes before class starts.....and how in the world does she think you are suppose to copy print the power points and bring them to class with you for that class .... so it is NOT fun I will be off work this weekend so I will spend alot of time studying........ we have to know the route the blood flows in a fetus as well as after birth (and there is a difference LOL) among alot of other things I need to get drilled into my head PRAY for me big time.......
As for work it is going great....... I actually love being a phlebotomist and enjoy seeing alot of different people......
Ok now for the weight and food thing
well I flopped BAD BAD BAD ..... I need some help in this department....... My water is still great and breakfast eatin is good........but I need to start adding exercisin and continue to add better lunches and diners...... Ok so here is to getting back on track....... tomorrow I will start posting to my email group every day again.......and being accountable...... cause I noticed when I stopped postin every day then I did NOT add any thing new to my routine.....
My beloved hubby went to the doctor this morning (I went with him so I could hear what the doc had to say) they are retesting his total testosterone (spelling??) and he is now on a low dose blood pressure med...... B/P was 142/94 not good ...... so hubby looked at me and said well I think it is time to do somehting about this...... I want to be around to see Liam grow up... and I so well agree with him....... we both have been living fly by just doing the bare minimum and hoping to get by but we can see that is NOT working ......

So I am now on my way to work...... and raising my water bottle to chug some more

and please if you are reading this pray for all the people in the golf coast that is gonna be hit by the huricanne Ike that is coming in........ Here in the heart of Texas we will be probably getting high winds (hopefully no tornandos) and rain ......
Have a great day

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

tuesday and rollin along

Good Day !!!!! I hope this day continues to shine and be awesome...... I am recording my breakfast intake this week..... Breakfast was 1 serving (24 small biscuits) shredded wheat = 190 calories..... 8oz skim milk = 45 calories and a kashi breakfast bar (ate on the way home from school) = 140 calories for a total of 375 calories which is a far cry better then yesterday..... think I need to leave them hostess dingdongs alone LOL I am on my 3rd 16.9oz bottle of water :))
School is going good we have our first test in my fundamentals class on thursday WOOHOO
I will be going back to work this afternoon after a long 3 day weekend ......
Do you ever stop and really think what life means to you really MEANS ...... how many times do we put others needs and even there wants before our own needs ??? How often do you just run through life and not take time to really enjoy it ??? Just some things to think about ...... I do believe I will be thinking deeply a bit today
Have a great day and ROCK ON

Monday, September 1, 2008

Back and Ready to Roll

These past two months have been a bit crazy. Life runs and runs and I can barely walk fast enough to keep half way up with my life LOL
I have been reading through some old old emails from myself and people in a email group I am in and let me tell you I am still in the same place in reguards to healthy livin that I was two and three years ago. So now I am on to trying to FINALLY once and for all turn it around. But I have also figured out that I can only do this one small thing at a time. So last week I started with water......... I am averaging 5 to 6 16.9oz bottles of water a day ....... this week I started with just being accountable with my breakfast...... so today I had 3 packs instant oatmeal = 300 calories, 2 tablespoons light butter = 100 calories, 1 hostess dingdong = 180 calories for a total of 580 calories for this mornings breakfast....... OK OK I know a bit to much and to much stuff I could have replaced with better things IE a piece of fruit or something........ but I think bloggin about my intake will help me see how much I have eaten and help me stay on the right track to livin a healthy lifestle for life instead of a day or week or two weeks then falling and NOT getting up for a month or so to try again............

I started back to the local community college last week also....... I am in the respiratory program but had to stop out last year do to having to take radiation therapy for the cancer I had..... But I am back in the swing of it now....... takin a fundamentals class and a cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology class..... I love learning and have found the medical field to be very interesting and enjoyable (even) to learn.... I get to help people and make a small difference in the world.
I have been off work for a three day weekend and LOVE it........ but today I am actually missing work and my co workers LOL...... but I have had the joy of uninterupted (spelling ??) time with the two main men in my life IE hubby Billy and son Liam....... and he is growin up wayyyy to fast
He is playing peewee soccer now and so far I have missed one game due to me working every other weekend :(( He turned 4 this past April and will be in Kindergarden this time next year oh where oh where does time go to .............
But I am back and ready to LIVE life and ENJOY IT
Thanks a Million Ang........ you are such a great inspiration and a great friend Love ya girl