Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day Seven of the Rest of My Life

Day Seven already :) One week done one week journaled one week seeing things wrote down once again....... I week to reflect and try and change things one thing at a time for a better healthier life :)
Breakfast was:
2 fiber plus bars
Lunch was:
3 slices pizza (turkey pepporoni, turkey sausage, 2% cheese and mushrooms)
Dinner was:
2 cups rice with brocolli, cauliflower and carotts
2 cups low fat ice cream
Water 6 bottles
30 minutes on the wii fit

Hubby went to Orthopedic Doctors today and we go back on the 15th. The doctor said his knee looks good and to not over work it but to use it ...... told him he can use a bike (exercise or regular) to get some exercise and strengthen the leg back up. So all really good things :) YEAHH
Now on to the next week of my great life :)
Keep On Keepin On

Monday, June 29, 2009

Day Six of the Rest of My Life

Already Day 6 .... Awesome almost a week into LIFE :)
I got to spend 2 hours (Again) with my mother-in-law at the doctors for her :(
Her kidney function is not doing good (no dyalisis YET) but her creatine was 2.3 (normal is 0.4-1.2) He uric acid was a 9 which is HIGH ........ she is border line diabetic and lets just say she was not against me being in the room with her at the doctors but mmmmmm she was NOT happy either :( But now we know where she stands medically (she doesnt understand some medical stuff and does NOT ask questions) and I will be taking her back to the doctor next wednesday to check her creatine level again...... they checked it today again also .....
So spending 2 hours at the doctors with her then taking her to the bank then coming home grabing some food and running off to work .... work was VERY busy today also (think docs are getting in alot of stuff before the holiday weekend) so food was not that great but I am here being accountable so that is good
Breakfast/Lunch was:
2 turkey hotdogs
20 french frys baked
2 cups peanutbutter ice cream
Dinner was:
1 1/2 cup popcorn shrimp
1 cup cottage cheese
4 servings mixed fruit in natural juices
Snacks were:
2 bite size butterfinger candies
1 bite size reeses peanutbutter cup

water was 6 bottles
and 30 minutes on the wii fit again YEAH ME
Keep On Keepin On

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day Five of the Rest of My LIfe

Hello there :) Hope this finds one and all doing great and enjoying life :) For life was made to enjoy :)
Breakfast/Lunch was
3 turkey hot dogs
1 hot dog bun
3 teaspoons chilli
6 teaspoons shreeded cheese
20 french fries baked
Dinner was:
1 veggie wrap (lettuce tomato and mozeralla cheese)
1 1/2 cups banana pudding (MMM Good)
Snacks were:
1 fiberplus bar

6 bottles of water
30 minutes of wii fit
YEAH I finally got my big bum up and moved again :)
Keep On Keepin On

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day Four of The Rest of My Life

Hey there!!!! hope this finds everyone doing awesome and life is going great for yall :)

Today is Day Four of The Rest of My Life :) Life is good and fabulous :) I have probably already told this story but just want to share again what the word fabulous means to me .....

This September will be 2 years ago that I went through radiation treatment for uterine cancer. And the ladies at the oncology center are awesome..... I was crying and havin a pity party for myself from day one of radiation treatment.... I did not understand that cancer happens everyday to everyone NOT just me (ok ok well I understood good enough but I could not connect with WHY ME WHY now..... why why why) the ladies that marked me and gave me radiation (3 of them plus the doctors nurse) would ALWAYS ask "How are you today" so from day one I just said FABULOUS..... fabulous when I came in and fabulous when I left..... and I was fabulous in the first two or three weeks for radiation monday through friday .... I was alive and cancer free and did not have to have chemo...so I was fabulous... By the forth week (six weeks in total) I was still fabulous but my belly was starting to be burned from the radiation..... and my skin was starting to get tender, by week five it HURT to use the bathroom.... it hurt to sit in any position...... I was taxed big time by fridays and fatigue had set in pretty hard but everyday I was FABULOUS and told them so........ by weeks five and six they would even say they were fabulous when I asked them how they were.... when I finished my treatments them ladies bought me a bottle of FAB laundry soap made a FAB-U-LOUS poster for the front of it and signed it with great inspiration. So everyday I am strugglin with this weight loss and with life in general I remember I AM FABULOUS ...... I am everything I can be I just need to dig deep and GET it ....... have you ever thought about a word that has gotten you through a hard time?? Have you ever told yourself that YOUR Fabulous?? Have you ever LET yourself JUST BE fabulous?? Go ahead give it a try ....... just for today just for now...... say I am fabulous and believe it :) I dare you :)

Breakfast was:

3 biscuits

Lunch was:

1 turkey burger/fat free refried beans/ 2% cheese and salsa burritto

1 serving junior pepperments :)

Dinner was:

1 veggie wrap (lettuce, tomato, mozeralla cheese)

1 very very small slice 2 by 1 chocolate cake

Water was....... 6 bottles :)

exercise is NOTHING

I need to get off my mmmmmm and get movin again
I am a big carb addict and really need to get ahold of this issue

Here is to a fabulous day/night a fabulous LIFE :)

Keep On Keepin On

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day Three of the Rest of My Life

Hey there Blogworld...
Today has been ok but high in carbs need to work on that BIG time
Breakfast was:
1 kashi bar
2 slices whole wheat bread
1 tablespoon peanutbutter
1/2 tablespoon strawberry fruit spread
Lunch was:
2 flour tortillas
3/4 cup 2 percent mexican cheese
Dinner was:
1 cup rice w/peppers and onions mixed with
1 cup carotts, brocolli, cauliflower
2 single serving size jello with fruit
Snacks were:
1 fiber plus bar

water was 6 bottles
exercise is nothing :(

This is Day Three of the Rest of My Life :)
Hope your day was great
Keep On Keepin On

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day Two of the Rest of My Life

Hey there Blogland......can you believe 6 months from today (the 25th) is Christmas :)
Christmas is my favorite time of the year....well honestly from Halloween through New Years ROCKS.... But Christmas, the birth of Christ, the church programs and everything LOVE IT :)
This also means though that in one week it will be 6 months left of this year......How will you make the rest of this year count??? What will you do different??
We went to the nutritionist/doctors appointment today ..... and you will never guess this I gained two pounds GRRRRRRRRRR..... Dr. had a LONG straight forward talk with me BIG time..... see either the end of last year or first of this year I had a echo done on my heart..... my left ventricle is mildly enlarged a bit thickened......and my tricuspid valve only has a bicuspid (it is a inhearited deformity .....) Lucky me huh .... well any ways I have lost and kept off a total of 4lbs this year (since Janurary) the other weight I have put on then lost the next month GGGGGRRRR But Doc basically told me...... Dawn you work in the medical field and you know things about your body and how it works....... so loose weight or go into CHF early ....... take your pick....... and he told me he knows I can do it but he is NOT holding his breath to see much of a loss next month ... he said it will probably be two pounds .....
That got me thinking abit all day ...... God has brought me through cancer (I had mixed mullerian sarcoma uterine cancer in August of 2007) and he does not want me to die from heart problems..... so I am the only one that can fix this ..... either I need to get real about it and deal with all that comes with it or I need to start explaining to my 5 year old why his mommy wont be here when he is graduating from high school or college or getting married ...... I dont think I want to do that ..... I want to LIVE ...... to enjoy life and STRIVE

So here we are on Day Two of the Rest of My Life

Breakfast was nothing (had to weigh in at 11am and did not want to have the extra food in there)
Lunch was:
2 cups chicken spaghetti
Dinner was:
15 pieces corn nuggets
1 1/2 cups popcorn shrimp
1 cup 4% cottage cheese
Snacks were:
2 fiber plus bars
Water was 6 bottles (16.9oz)
exercise is zero

Tomorrow will be a BUSY day as my mother in law (gotta love her) needs to go to a renal (kidney) specialist as she is in the starts of Renal failure (they think do to her blood work yesterday) and I am the lucky one that gets to take her to yet another doctor .....then I have to work for the next four days .... wish me luck on this doctors appointment with her..... I want to go in with her so I can help her understand what is going on but not sure she will let me go in :(
Have a great night and Keep On Keepin On

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day One of the Rest of My Life

Have you ever been stuck?? Just cant seem to move even though you know what to do and how to do it. Have you ever wanted something so much but kept failing at getting it right?? Have you ever thought to yourself that it is "more" then weight that you need to deal with and that is what you keep running from?? That if you dug deep and dealt with the matters laying beyond the fat that you would actually stop failing?? Well I am on Day One of the Rest of My Life..... I need to dig deep and deal with the whys and the woos
Today I thought I was gonna go nuts. See I am one of the lucky people that has in-laws (mother in law especially) that dont really like me :( and I got to take my mother in law to the doctors today...... I dropped her off and told her to call me when she was ready to go...figuring ok maybe 45 minutes tops right ?? LOL NOT more like 1 1/2 hours later she was done. But when I dropped her off I went to the park near by and walked 1.5 miles..... was trying for 2 miles and could have done it but the temp was already up to 96F and I have no idea how high the heat index was..... but after 1.5 miles I was feeling drained, sucked up of my energy...... I believe this was more from the heat then it was the walking itself...... So I made it back to the doctors office and sat for a 1/2 hour for my mother in law to finish with her appoinment. She has to go back next monday and LOL did not even ask me what my schedule was just said 1pm is good ...I was like mmmmm is one of your daughters bringing you ...cause I leave at 1pm for work.... she was like well I thought you could change your day off..... WHAT HELL NO change your appointment (I did not tell her HELL NO but believe me I wanted too) any ways now I have to take her on monday at 10:30 .... grrrrrrr then we stopped by my house she said she wanted to see my hubby and see how he was feeling since he had surgery monday and she has not even bothered to call and see how it went :( Well she came in and my boy was trying to talk to her but all she was doing was looking around my living room and kitchen to see how I keep house :( .... I got hubby his medicine and made him a sandwhich and got my son some lunch (it is noon by now) on our way out the door I asked Mother in law did you see his knee and she said oh well I will look at it next time..... I need you to take me to get my hair cut and get my medicine filled. GRRRRRRRR I was just gonna drop her off at her apartment and come home and relax.....but being the nice person I am I took her to do what she needed and thank goodness when at 2 pm I could FINALLY drop her off at home and come home to relax and enjoy a bit of my day off. But I did get a 1.5 mile walk out of all this LOL
my food has been crude today
water has been great 6 bottles :)
and I am ready to rock tomorrow and get my eating back under control
So if you have read this far sorry about complaining and thanks for reading
Keep On Keepin On

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Life and such

Hello Blogland!!
It has been awhile since I have been here :(
Life is trying this past month. Not that it is not always trying but these past three weeks have been crazy trying times :(
Hubby had outpatient knee surgery yesterday morning. He tore his acl and medial meniscus on May 25th. Well the Orthopedic doctor told me yesterday (after surgery) that the meniscus tear was much worse then he first thought it to be. It was tore and flipped over on itself. So that ment they need to take out more of the meniscus then first thought :( Hubby is 36 (almost 37) and has a knee of a 50 year old. Doctor said he MUST lose weight to push a knee replacement surgery off longer then a year or two. We go back next tuesday to have the stitches taken out. He will be off work for up to 6 more weeks. Gotta love this part..... Unemployment first said he was eligable for unemployment payments still and released 444 dollars to him then two days later (last friday) they decided he is NOT eligable for unemployment until he is NOT under doctors care. So now we have to pay back the 444 dollars and we will be livin on one income for atleast 6 to 8 more weeks, cause it will take unemployment a few weeks to get back on track then he will be out looking for another job :( When oh when does all this stop and we can go back to some kinda normal :o)
As for my food it is OFF
water is good
exercise is OFF
I need to get back on track and just do this......work through the stress and Keep On Keepin On
So today is a new day a new attitude and a new start
I need to get back to bloggin every day...... checkin in with my email group and get focused on ME once again. I need to stop the slips and start staying going forward. Losing weight and gaining myself is worth so much more then givin in and givin up
Lifting my water bottle to all
Keep On Keepin On

Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12th

I exercised to day YEAH ME
did 30 minutes on the wii fit .....hoola hoopin and step aerobics :)

Breakfast was:
1 1/2 cup multigrain cherrios
1/2 cup 2% milk

Lunch was:
1 cup messy eggs
1 smoked turkey sausage link
wrapped in 2 flour tortillas

Dinner was:
1 1/2 cup tuna noodles mixed with rice and corn
20 french frys (the NOT so good ones cooked in oil and not baked :( )

Snacks were:
1 slice pepporoni pizza
2 serving fruit
15 mms peanut

6 bottles water

need to go grocery shoppin in the morning.....in need of veggies big time
Have a great night and Keep On Keepin On

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11th

Ok Blog friends we are back to the boring blog names but I have to get restarted and refocused so this seems to work for me. Just generic plan out and out boring titles Sorry :(
Breakfast was:
1 chex mix bar
Lunch was:
1 cup hamburger helper
2 cup broccoli
Dinner was:
1 cup tuna noodles
1 cup rice with corn
1/2 brownie
1 scoop vanilla ice cream
1/4 cup cherries
Snacks were:
2oz mozeralla cheese
3 slices turkey pepporoni

5 bottles water
No exercise

Tomorrow is NO School (no summer classes on fridays WOOHOO)
so tomorrow will be 30 minutes on the wii fit :)
I will report all the fun tomorrow
Have a great day and Keep On Keepin On

June 10th day

Hey there Blogland......
Life is good but "BUSY" I catch myself comin when I am actually going LOL
Breakfast yesterday (10th) was:
1 fiber one bar
Lunch was:
2 rollups (lettuce, tomato, mushrooms, turkey)
3 servings fruit
Dinner was:
1 cup popcorn shrimp
1 cup cottage cheese
3 servings mixed fruit in natural juice
Snacks were:
3 bite size 3 muskateers
4 cups popcorn

6 bottles of water
Still no exercise :(

Hope the day was good to you :)
Keep On Keepin On

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Confused, stuck, struggling

It has been crazy with school starting for me, hubby needed knee surgery, brother in law moving in, and I Have stopped.... it is almost like the end of May came and I told myself ok we are gonna keep loggin the food in June too.....but I did not ....... I stopped and am stuck
On my way to bed it is 11 and 6 am will be here soon so I can start all over again UGHHH
I will find my focus again and soon
Keep On Keepin On

Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6th

Stuck in a Funk
Have you been there??
Well I am there.... stuck and trying to grab hold and focus to climb out of the funk
Breakfast/Lunch was:
mmmmmm NOT GOOD 4 biscuits
Dinner was:
1 cup potato salad
2 cups ravolii's (cheese ones)
2 servings peppermint candys

Water 5 bottles
Exercise is Zilch again......

I am still feeling under the weather......Nose is red and dry and stuffed up
chest is clogged and rattling......head is NOT in it ....just hurting a bit
Tomorrow I am off work and will study for class on Monday after I get home from Church
Monday hubby goes to Orthapedic doctor to see when/if he is gonna need surgery for his acl and medial meniscus tears... He is on cruches and drivin me nuts since he is not able to work
Both of us are worrying they will cut his unemployment off do the this injury and it taking 3 to 4 months to heal ...... so that is stressin big time......
But God will get us through this to I am sure
Keep On Keepin On

Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5th

Hey there Blogland!!!
Hope all is going great out there in the world :)
I am still feeling under the weather.... chest and head cold big time YUK :(
will be putting vicks on the chest and neck tonight Hope this goes away quick like
Praying my little guy and hubby dont catch it :(
Breakfast was:
2 cups raisin bran crunch
1/2 cup 2% milk
Lunch was:
1 veggie wrap
3 cups mixed fruit in natural juice
1 yoplait lite fat free sunrise yogurt
Dinner was:
1/2 cup rice with broccoli

water was 4 bottles (a bit light on the water tonight :( )
exercise is NOTHING.....
Need to get my big bum up and move tomorrow NO matter what :(
I feel better exercising so I just need to DO IT
Have a great night and Keep On Keepin On

June 4th

I am slow at the loggin my food this week. Am in the middle of a head cold (or sinus something)
I think I picked it up from NoMoreStinkingThinkins babies LOL...... Did you send this to me ?? LOL
Breakfast/Lunch was:
4 biscuits
1 cup messy eggs
Dinner was:
1 veggie wrap
2 cups cherries w/granola on top
5 pieces bite size candy
Water was 5 bottles
exercise is NOTHING again today......not feeling good at all :*(
Keep On Keepin On

June 3rd

Breakfast was:
1 kashi bar
Lunch was:
1 slice deli ham
1 slice 2% american cheese
Dinner was:
1 cup broccoli rice w/cheese
2 servings mixed fruit in natural juice
snack was:
2 cups lite coolwhip w/chocolate pudding mix mixed in it (No milk added to the pudding)
Water was 5 bottles water

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2nd

Hey there Blogland!!!!
Today has been a okie dokie day :)
Not the best in food but not real bad either
Breakfast was:
1 kashi bar
Lunch was:
1 cup Messy eggs (hashbrowns, mushrooms, onions, peppers, liquid egg whites, 2% shredded cheese)
3 turkey sausage links
4 biscuits (this was BAD I need to get on top of eating way to many biscuits)
Dinner was:
1 veggie wrap (lettuce, mushrooms, tomatoes, mozeralla cheese in a tortilla)
3 servings mixed fruit in natural fruit juice
1 slice cherry cheese cake

water was 6 bottles
exercise was WII FIT step aerobics and hola hoopin :)
Got my wii hooked back up (thank you hubby :))
Have a great night and Keep On Keepin On

Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1st

Hey there Blogworld!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I know BORING titles again this month :( Sorry
Life has been SO busy today. First day of Summer 1 class I am taking a remedial algerbra class to get me ready for College Algerbra in the fall YIPPY. I usually like math but this dang teacher started in the middle of the book mmmmm chapter 6. OK OK I know this is a summer class only 5 weeks of school (4 days a week) but come on atleast give us the first 5 chapters the first 2 days of class (so we can get a refresher...... no instead you are slammed with a problem like this (3x+1/3)(9x-1/3) then a problem like this 2y to the 2nd power + 27y +25..... the whole class >ten people< were like what the HELLO ) so mmmm starting at the first chapter for a fast refresher may have been better LOL I am a bit stuck on the last half of my homework and it is ONLY day 1...... can I really do this??? HECK yeah "I CAN" with many prayers and lots of studying that is ...........
Then I get a call into the doctors office to find out about hubbys MRI on friday...... get a call back at 1:45 (he is suppose to be at work today at 4pm) Dr. says NO work........ he has a toren acl and medial meniscus ....... mmmmmmmm great so I ate crow and told him sorry for being a witch this last week and telling him he was a whinning baby :( So we will be going to a orthapedic doctor next monday great......thank goodness I have great insurance through my work. Took his no work this week paper to his work (walmart) from the doctor.......he has only worked there since March 18th ...... due to being laid off from the new housing place he worked at fixin new houses......On Feburary 13th...so he was working part time at wally land and getting his unemployment....... but well wallworld told him he HAS to take a volunteer termination due to medical reasons..... He has not been there long enough for FMLA ..... So now I am wondering how this will effect his unemployment checks :(( :(( OK what is next..... bring it on...... I can take some more.....that is how I have felt all day .........crude crude crude....... Needing alot of prayers and good thoughts sent up to make it through .......
Breakfast was:
1 kashi bar
Lunch was:
1 cup rice with broccoli
2 pieces fish
Dinner was:
1 baked potato
1 cup cauliflower and broccoli
2 oz cheddar cheese
1 tsp lite butter
Snack was:
2 cups ice cream
water was 5 bottles
exercise was NOTHING
Bed is calling I have to be up at 6:30 in the morning to be at class at 8
then work tomorrow night just to do it all over again on wednesday
Financial stress factor is SKY HIGH
Gods love and guidance is AWESOME
So I shall Keep On Keepin On